Harry potter lord of multiple houses fanfiction harem. And before anybody realised it, school had ended for the year. Harry potter lord of multiple houses fanfiction harem

 And before anybody realised it, school had ended for the yearHarry potter lord of multiple houses fanfiction harem  Turn

Hearing Luna say that Harry and Hermione were betrothed because they were soul mates and that all of the group had had training in occlumency explained their behaviour, but it was still a shock to Fleur because as a veela she could tell that Harry was barely thirteen and Hermione had only just turned fourteen. " Harry Potter folded his arms across his chest to show he wasn't going to budge from his stand. Severus took note of this but made no sign that it bothered him. For a sake he was scared and confused but then he remembered , Aunt Marge , Knight Bus , The Leaky Couldron , The Minister and Sirius Black . The wings of a great eagle owl flapped one last time before gliding into the room of one Harry Potter, landing on the post at the corner of his bed. A 'Holier-than-thou', aristocratic voice. If Dobby agrees, Master Harry says so mote it be. A surprising revelation from a desolate future. Harry Potter is Lord of Multiple Noble Houses. Healing Block – age 3 years, Albus DumbledoreReason: Heals at incredibly rate, not. 2. Accidental Magic Block – age 7 months, James and Lily Potter Reason: Blew up the stove three days before. Chapter 4- Finishing the Pair. Harry Potter was 13 years old and a pretty happy person after he saved the philosopher's stone in his first year at Hogwarts. But asked for time to consider a. And finally, he cried because for once he just needed to be loved like he had parents. Follow/Fav The Harem War. Gasped the Weasley. (Smut Included, Harry X Harem) Harry Potter learns about the wizarding world and discovers that he has become a Lord of the Wizarding world. Titles. During the summer after his fourth year , Harry learns about his heritage as a Chuzzor , a sex god . However, even with his self-control, he summoned his Hogwarts friends and professors into a room. . "Hermione told me. . Quickly. ) Lady Lilly Potter/Thorn Odindottor-Alive:Current Location:Asgard Throne Room. "But I am not a Lord, I am just Harry, and I don't know what the head of Gringotts would want with me because all I have is a small trust vault. The Harem of Lord Potter By: Vivian Veilstead. The Earl of Pottere, Most Noble and Ancient House of Potter. 14 Stories. So he would need to marry 8 people to match a title. Saturday 15th April, 5:30pm. Huff-Puff. Harry's three companions just laughed while Harry shrugged. Twenty-nine days later, Queen Elizabeth ends the Treaty of Separation of Magical Britain from Nonmagical Britain. Harry was walking toward the Common Room when suddenly he was pulled into an empty classroom. The destruction of Salazar's locket had been a turning point in Kreacher's attitude towards Harry. Ragnarok By: The BlackStaff and NightMarE. When he opened it however his eyes narrowed. Sort by: Hot. Beginning in the graveyard, Harry fails to reach the cup to escape but is saved by an unexpected person thought long dead. K. To be with her mates. After that, Harry lives with those who slipped through the cracks of society, the Street Knights. Chapter 1 – The Murder. Harry Potter took Dumbles places as Leader of the Light by entering Politics and Business, it a classic Harry Potter Marriage Law that focuses on Harry and his lady story and their struggles of course there will be twist. July 24th, 1985. Potter. Harry Potter and the Temporal Beacon by willyolioleo reviews. Minor change, I've decided to classify Earldoms as Most Noble Houses and Baronies as Noble Houses. Lord Potter did not have the key and stated that the family (Dursley) he stayed with routinely locked him in the room after forcing him to work. Harry stands and opens the door more and takes her trunk from her. Sort by: Hot. How will Hogwarts, the Ministry, and Voldemort handle a Powerful, Political and Intelligent Harry Potter? Harry/Harem. Harry/HG/Multi. "Ron" Tonks said eerily walking over to the redhead. Harry after Sirius dies learns some home truths about the wizarding world. NO SLASH. Night of the Fae Chapter 19. Harry could barely imagine the power held at his fingertips. Harry Potter - Rated: M - English. This secret opens the door to a world of possibilities and a world of. 1. With the help of Sirius and Remus she decides to take Harry away from Dumbledore's manipulations and goes to America. I offered him payment; however, it seems he wants a favor rather than money. The Genie of House Potter By: DalkonCledwin What if Lily Evans Potter was more than she seemed? This is the story of a woman who had vastly more power than either the. The famous twinkle in his eyes is nowhere to be seen. He now doesn't care about dumbles or voldie . HP / NT / BL / NM / HG / LL / GW / FD / GD, possibly more. Where Harry has definitely undergone a change, and Dumbledore's original plan to. Weasley. Not BashingDamian Wayne is Harry Potter, and he’s just trying to figure out how to handle being a wizard, a Hogwarts student, Heir Potter, Heir Slytherin, a Wayne heir, and Robin all at the same time. Harry James Potter. " Dumbledore replied, while casting detection charms on the parchment with his wand. Harry's Harem. Now though, the boy was changing all that. It took a few moments for his mind to clear and for him to remember where he was. Chapter 2: Harry returns. He was also thankful for the help from the goblins. A story of realism and Harry coming into his own. Lord Potter was kidnapped once he touched the Triwizard Cup in the maze of the third task. A distracted physician is a deadly danger to his patients. With really his only choice, Cho, going with Cedric, he just wasn't sure who else to ask. Lets fix the Tournament By: fvdv123. Harry blinked twice, the bright light giving him a headache. The Potters are a metamorphagi. The Yule Ball: The Remake By: Rihaan. Gringotts Goblins uncover a fascinating secret about a young wizard with a lightning bolt scar. They never expected that Harry would gain the direct attention of both fate and death in doing so. "Thank you, Edward. A shadow formed from the lamppost near him, lying atop his notebook and distorting it's colours. Lady Avatar Korra-Alive:Current Location:AirBender Island. Heavily inspired by game of thrones Harry is the lord of a region and needs to care for and manage his people. " "No Daph, I'm not going to do it. . by the dragon shogun. Narcissa Malfoy's life is not what it once was. Harry watched in awe as the blood seeped into the parchment, then disappeared. "Shut the hell up, you freak!" Harry looked at Vernon and felt the hate of 8 years of life bubbling inside. R. Fred and George had realised what Malfoy was talking about. A monster unleashed. On Hiatus! Has a TVTropes Page! During the Battle of Hogwarts, Voldemort kills Lucius Malfoy for desertion. Hadrian James Potter was walking through Diagon Alley with his widowed mother Lily Evans Potter and his godfathers Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and Severus Snape towards Gringotts once reaching Gringotts the group of five headed to the first open teller it wasn't long before Hadrian and his family was walking out of Gringotts Hadrian. Harry was 8 when he was kicked out. Chapter 3: A Testament Of Wills. Until finally it came down to the final confrontation between Lord Voldemort, Heir to Salazar Slytherin and Michael Potter, heir to the Potter family. Harry James Potter. By then, Harry Potter has a wife (Hermione), a concubine (Narcissa), lordship of twenty Houses and custody of Voldemort's daughter Delphini. She finds a unique solution that will change their lives forever. Harry Potter awoke on his cousin's birthday, to the noise of his Aunt Petunia yelling at him to wake up and not burn the breakfast. Chapter 1 INHERITANCE. James Potter was in a pub with three of his friends, who also turned out to be Lords in their own right. Light, Darkness, Grey By: Radiant Arabian Nights. The potter harem By: parth1997. 770 2 10. " Sirius said, calling his godson over. freedom of the air, a harry potter. It just isn't fair!" Lily eyed him. Harry had accidentally dropped a plate with his uncle's food. So he never knew when his birthday was until he was wished Happy Birthday on July. That fateful night at Godric's Hollow, Lily Potter survives. As Lord Potter, you are in possession of several properties in England, including Godric's Hollow, due to the historic significance of the town to your Gryffindor Heritage, though your family has had members in the other houses as well, thus the ring's multicolors. ] - Chapters: 5 - Words:. Harem- HP,DG,AG,TD,SB,FD,GD, HP-HG siblings, Guardian/Cousin Bella,Dromeda,Cissy- Contains AD,RW,MW,AW,PW,LM hating. Harry gets summoned to Gringotts. James wasn't needed to find multiple partners to pass on his former titles since he had been 'dead' for over 15. I would like a rental agreement with option to buy for Hermione Granger. Ginny's moans were small and cute. She'd take it far better if a girl was the. I think Harry got multiple animagus forms, including an owl-form - in which he impregnates Hedwig. Harry Potter and The Acts of Betrayal By: Clell65619. Chapter 1. Harry gasped in pain as small cuts appeared all over his body. Light, Darkness, Grey By: Radiant Arabian Nights. No one knew how much they underestimated her. "So, now I need you to contact Lord Potter. A girl is subject to it until she is bonded to a wizard in any manner (or becomes a Consort). The Ilvermorny Champion By: Vance McGill. As the series develops, other Harems will form. "Harry Potter. The stone door concealed in the wall slid open. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Daphne Greengrass, and Luna Lovegood die in the final battle after multiple times. CHAPTER 1 – GRINGOTTS. When George and Fred give Harry the Marauders map, they merely intend to allow Harry to travel to Hogsmeade for a day of fun and levity. Gone, No Goodbyes: A New Harry Potter Fanfic by Don E. , Sasuke U. Summary: Alternate Universe story with Out of Cannon Romantic Pairings, with two notable exceptions. Harry looked at the inheritance page again. No that wasn't right, his whole head hurt and the light was just agitating him further. AU post OoTP. This document attests to the emancipation of the one Lord Potter. SUMMARY-One night harry potter finds out that he has been betrayed by his friends and mentor who do not care about him and it starts after 5th year of Hogwarts. His focus was only lost as sound filled his ears. Tom Marvolo Riddle once again cursed the moment that he had decided to try and kill the eldest Potter child. Alive Lily Evans Potter/ Sirius. Imeadite Family: Father: Lord James Ignotus Potter-Deceased. - Chapters: 3 - Words: 37,135 - Reviews: 439 - Favs: 1,411 - Follows: 678 - Updated: Jan 21, 2010 - Published. The girl seemed legitimately surprised, as did the parents at the surface. Harry Potter, Master of Death, finds himself traveling through time and space itself in an attempt to hide from his ever so sadistic minion, Death and from the ever present and never ending paperwork. All of the powerful Pureblood families were related in one way or another – many were, of course, hundreds of years old. However, with the help of a true metamorphagi, a Potter can become one. But, though to an outside observer things appeared perfectly normal, the truth was far from it. Astronomy with all the other houses (this class is at 23:00) "Well… it seems that those seven years will be boring. We are currently living in a house in Harrentown that we are borrowing from a local businessman. After that small, almost insignificant act, Hogwarts as we knew it fell apart. He controls his breathing after some time of adjusting to the sensation of waking. "Harry," Dumbledore called out nervously. harryxharem. Time passed, the world around him darkening as the sun fell from the sky, making way for the full moon in the night. On his 16th birthday Dumbledore presents Harry with a little surprize. If a dark lord's. This work is not for profit. And before anybody realised it, school had ended for the year. Over a month later, Dumbledore and Harry's friends have tracked Harry down to a tropical island full of danger. "And you bury an axe in your enemies chest," Goldlok replied and gestured to enter. Harry said throwing the redhead on the ground where he struggled to catch his breath. Once, Thor was James Potter, New Mexico being a refinement of Odin's technique (being murdered didn't do Thor's sanity any favours). " "I am!"Harry leaned forward. "PADFOOT, STOP THAT!" Harry and Remus finally yelled at the dog, together. He was too busy enjoying the final long kiss. Afterwards he starts to change things. Stealing the Title of Lord from the rightful heir, one count. Rise of the Wizards By: Teufel1987. They asked to be given to after their daughter married Harry to decide. The Truth Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. There will also be slash, and multiple mates for Harry. Watching fathers celebrate their newborn children can be an entertaining sight, especially when one of the fathers happens to be the Lord of The Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter. House Bones is the last of the houses that were created. " The Goblins was suprised a bit but nodded quickly and sent a goblin in the chambers behin the main lobby. He did not dare say this to his aunt and uncle, because quite frankly, they would have been distraught and would rather that he died than lived. Harry Potter The Nine House Lord of. Will he overcome the lies, or succumb to the darkness? Includes Lordships, life debts and marriage contracts. - It's okay father…. Harry after Sirius dies learns some home truths about the wizarding world. "Well of course he'll be okay. Part 1. Lord Arcturus announced in the last session the end of a number of alliances, so I think we’re all interested to hear of your new political position. On the document, it stated that Harry was the heir of the most ancient and noble houses of Potter, Peverell, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. So I recently got pointed to an admittedly pretty terrible fanfiction, but it kind drove me to want to read even more in the same. - Chapters: 50 - Words: 343,910 - Reviews: 929 - Favs: 3,382 - Follows: 2,707 - Updated: Jun 23, 2019 - Published: Feb. The next two days proved just how strong Harry was emotionally. Remus and Tonks looked rather uncomfortable. We, James Charlus Potter, and Lily Marie Potter nee Evans of able bodies and minds, claim this our final will and testament. 2. Daphne's mum cried, Mrs Weasley cried and Remus cried. The Duke of Godric's Hollow, Most Noble and Ancient House of Gryffindor Harem of the sex god By: Callisto Blackridge. Broke, her husband in Azkaban, abandoned by her son, she survives as a prostitute in Knockturn Alley. Harry leant forward and picked up the dagger, he held it steady as Severus pushed his finger against the blade. Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 9 - Words: 11,000 - Reviews: 92 - Favs: 330 - Follows: 406 - Updated: Occlumency Lessons by DauntlessErudite29 reviews. Voldemort who had the upper hand taunted the boy's magical prowess. "Tonks, wait," Hermione hissed, while grabbing the metamorph's elbow, making her glare at the younger girl. It took a few moments for his mind to clear and for him to remember where he was. He made sure that Hermione was his top priority. He straightens up against a lone tree and looks around. That had been today's lesson in Transfiguration. Harry asked standing up from his seat at the Gryffindor table, using occlumency to calm his mind. He broke the seal and pulled out his parent's joint will, and began to read. He knew that he had to use one of the floo terminals, and with the headmaster still at the Wizengamot session it was protocol to go through his Houses head. Search for it there. Apparently it was his turn, and the boy took the offered seat before the hat was dropped onto his head. Much better than his cupboard or Dudley's second room. - Chapters: 4 - Words: 1,484 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 100 - Follows: 135 - Updated: Apr 8, 2015 - Published. His first true wand had been snapped by Harry Potter only a couple of days earlier when Potter had come to assassinate Dolores. AU, Timetravel, HHr, mild Ron bashing. Harry James Potter, despite being born a Potter held zero resemblance to the family, if anyone were to. Mature. She and her group of friends decided to help the other students of Hogwarts and end the war on their terms. September 1, 1995, Hogwarts Express: The gentle swaying of the heavily warded passenger compartment was not at all comforting for the solitary occupant. It's not over yet…. girls? Harry Potter/Harem, loving Dumbledore, living/freed Sirius, eventually nice Snape, powerful Harry, darkish Ron. No one bans me from Quidditch By: Dr. Chapter 3. After saving the life of Fleur Delacour at the Quidditch World Cup, Harry. Harry earns/inherits a Lordship but has to actually rule over/ take care of hundreds of families who live on his lands. Follow the fate of the wizarding world when Albus Dumbledore is forced to change his way of thought. Dursleys abandon Harry in America, A certain Distant Relative Discover him and made him his heir. Most of all, she was happy at getting so many sons-in-law and daughters-in-law, leaving her with a big, happy, Weasley Family. Chapter One: The Beginning of it All. "No way!" "Harry, it's the only way. The sight was too much for Sirius to bear, but he steeled himself and ventured further into the house, determined to find Lily and Harry. "You'll be taking Harry to the park with you. In a surprisingly quiet 6th year she decided to show her intelligence and started to persue her dream of becoming a healer. had one more trick up his sleeve-A randomized Portkey to send Harry somewhere else. AN: I found this on an old PC hard drive, it is the first ever story I wrote for fanfiction all those years ago. Incomplete soul adoption (Tom Marvolo Riddle; a. P. As he did so, Luna moved her head down and began licking her best friend's pussy. Lord Harry James Potter, Head of the Ancient and Noble House of Potter, Head of the Ancient and Noble House of Black, age 15 (born 7/31/80) Lady Hermione Jane (Granger) Potter, age 16 (9/19/79). As he wandered through the cobbled streets he thought back to his multiple trips to the wizarding shopping street and he felt a sort of melancholy. The Rise of Hufflepuff By: gadman85. Dreaming of life in the Slytherin dorms, of summers riding horses on her father's estate, and once again tonight, of Harry taking her to bed the way he had before. Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 18 - Words: 45,858 - Reviews: 905 - Favs: 977 - Follows: 1,248 - Updated: Dec 14, 2008 - Published: Dec 23, 2006 - Naruto U. A subtle manipulation. There was another part of the page that he didn't pay attention. An hour into the journey, the door to Harry's compartment opens. Tracy was proudly wearing her concubine choker for all to see. Lavender was an only child, meaning that she was the last member of the Ancient House of Brown. It's still in Grimmauld Place 12. Show Most. Harry Potter was sitting in the Great Hall eating breakfast thinking about the Triwizard tournament when a large fierce looking owl landed in front of him. He did not, however, predict the mutual obsession he would receive from the world's most powerful being. The house appeared unnaturally clean, almost unlived-in. A monster unleashed. harrypotter. 15 Stories. Linkao3(the ancient and most noble house of potter) One of my all time faves, still a WIP but quite a lot already out. All of the powerful Pureblood families were related in one way or another – many were, of course, hundreds of years old. Sunday, the 1st of September 1996. Returning to Hogwarts for the finally time, there doesn't seem to be an end to the amount of beautiful girls who want to physically thank him. A/N: I don't own Harry Potter and wouldn't particularly care to. When his uncle was busy to beat him on his head, he saw the familiar shimmering of a concealment charm in the back garden. Harry's depressed over Cedric's murder and his parents' sacrifice for the first month of his summer. He is an alternate take on what could. Explain him, Daphne! – Astoria tried to make her father. Harry smiled sadly as he clutched the letter and portkey. I'm going to go get Madame Pomfrey. (Thursday, December 10th, 1994) Harry Potter grinned down at the guinea pig that had, until a few minutes ago, been a guinea fowl. Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Bonding Heir Royal Titles Muggles multi-pairing Harems Dominating Main Character independent character - Freeform Godlike. Their Death Fairy, Queen Lilith, is not amused, because her people were nearly wiped out by Voldemort. You shall soon enter the light. As a Lord, he is given special privileges, among which he finds the right to have many wives, and other relations (Concubines, slaves), and develops relationships and uses magic to fully. With a Light Lord interfering in Potter Family matters and a Dark Lord hell-bent on killing off the Potters, a cadet branch of the Potter family has to act. Lily Potter who had known that they were very likely to be attacked, so she searched through the Potter library and ended up finding a special ritual. The reporter continued. It's not over yet…. He was a small, scrawny boy of twelve, with raven black messy hair, emerald green eyes, glasses and a lightning bolt scar on his forehead, which he covered up with his long fringe, because he hated it when people stared. His Own Man By: Crunchysunrises. On the day of the announcement, Harry decided to ask Hermione to the Yule Ball. His date, an Auror with Pink hair wasn't sure what to do with a six foot two werewolf sobbing. Harry flinched as his knuckles made a loud CRACK upon snapping back together. When the chance appeared to become a part of his Harem, Harry jumped at it, eager to figure out the elusive man. They had no idea of the monster that lived inside. Would he be the same, or would he be different? Follow this story to find out and learn as he does, about what it means to be a godling. Armed with a curious book that will help him on his path, the story follows Harry as he builds new friendships, forges strong bonds, and follows his own plan to see the destruction of his enemy. He folded the letter and gave it to Hedwig. r18. A small groan heralded the reawakening of one Harry James Potter having promptly collapsed after Charlus' 'testing' of his new wand. "Lyra," Harry said, suddenly remembering the last time the two had met, "I hope you've grown some common sense and will actually pay him respect. " Harry said honestly confused at the summons. James wasn't needed to find multiple partners to pass on his former titles since he had been 'dead' for over 15 years. Found by the widowed Andromeda Tonks and her daughter, they take Harry in and teach him about magic, among other things. M/M. The Harem of Lord Potter By: Vivian Veilstead. Mature. " A loud "whack" was heard as the sharp Goblin axe struck off the head of the Goblin enemy. Fleur De Lis by OrionB15 reviews. But little does he realise what lies in his blood. " With Harry's request, several lights hovered over Alastor Moody, who was starting to wobbled rapidly and change, on Ronald and Ginerva Weasley , Hermione. Instead of Durmstrang Academy, Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was invited to take part in the 1994 Triwizard Tournament. ”I-I I'm sorry Ginny I didn’t mean to. The blond one was lowering his wand while the brunett raised his. With the help of his friends, he is determined to prove he can take over the wizarding world & win this dangerous. "Leave it, Fred, let him yell, he's just sore he lost, the jumped-up little - ". 5:Godlike Powerfull Harry. A fanfic that combines Harry Potter, Merlin, and Twilight. Where Harry is raised by Regulus and the Goblin nation in Forks, to become the future King of Albion destined to unite not just the wizarding world, but all magical beings. A twist of fate sends Harry down a much darker path. Born To Conquer By: Ank20. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or associated works. GRINGOTT'S LOBBY. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Harry P. Only three times in twelve years had Hermione been caught lying to. 1K 14. Chapter 2: Rational Hubris. The carriages passed through huge, cheering crowds of people that seemed to fill the inside courtyard that Harry was certain was larger than a Quidditch Pitch. Lord Potter / Black, inheritance and possible changes in some facts from books and some not. Not the ones you can find everywhere about a bunch of kids having a go with Harry and Harry with them, but an official harem like the old Sultans from Turkey ages ago wi. I am currently working on multiple stories and am looking for help in a Harry Potter/Walking Dead pairing and wish for people to go vote on the poll for your favorite. Opening the door, Sirius was met with a devastating sight. Currently this first work is 95% complete while the next 7 works are all mapped out. DMLE prosecutor and former flame Daphne Greengrass comes to his defense. As a Lord, he is given special privileges, among which he finds the right to have many wives, and other relations (Concubines, slaves), and develops. In short, there was going to be 'hell to pay' for this attack on the Chief of the Goblin Nation. He noticed that some of the text had changed since he first saw it, now reading: Married to: Lady Hermione Jean Potter, née Granger. harry is fed up with the wizarding world after the triwizard tournament, and voldemort's return, luckily mad-eye moody had inadvertently have harry a wacky idea DISCLAIM. Harry asked standing up from his seat at the Gryffindor table, using occlumency to calm his mind. "Sir Charles was the brother of the head of the house of Potter at the time that went by the name of Henry Potter. Chapter 23 Epilogue, Part 1. Potter, according to our records, you've withdrawn, fifty thousand Galleons already this month. Struggling to get up on his feet he noticed his surroundings or lack thereof. harrypotter heirofhogwarts powerfulharry +3 more # 3 the rebirth of the royal legacy by the dragon shogun 1. Remus had started crying as soon as he got to the reception. Hedwig had returned late in the night from her hunt, and wasn't too pleased on being given a letter to be delivered so early in the morning. Set after the events of Fourth year. please contact us using the e-mail address on the Harry Potter Fanfic Archive’s collection. Harry started to hop up, only to find the hand on his shoulder holding him down. With Voldemort's return and Dolores Umbridge being the new Defence. By blood and by magic, Harry James Potter is eligible to claim the following titles and headship of family lines bereft of lordship, as the sole surviving heir. The cold sting was ignored as twelve drops of blood dripped down into the cauldron. Truthfully, Harry wasn't sure what to do with him. Final Book in the "Dark Prince" series. (Van Morrison) This was the soundtrack to Harry's most pleasant dream ever, he was almost sorry to wake up but he had to talk to the real Hermione, hoping his dream didn't turn into a nightmare. "This is the last thing Harry needs right now. , Margaery T. This is an Adult alternative-timeline Book 8, filled what-ifs and hook-ups. Summary: As the title says Harry will be the lord of ten houses this will include the House of Emyers, House of Draculya, House of Azkaban, House of Potter, House of Peverell,. I, lord Sirius Orion Black hereby call upon the black family magic to give back the memories that have been lost and heal the bonds that have been broken!"Harry offered Lord and Lady Greengrass along with Astoria, Daphne's sister to turn them. Everything else was secondary, including dealing with Dumbledore and the Dursleys. CHAPTER 1 The Dark Lord is Born. The Duke of Godric's Hollow, Most Noble and Ancient House of GryffindorThe older man didn't know what to say, he has been busted, he looked at the ground before he started to sob, he couldn't hide it anymore, Daphne looked at her younger sister and nodded to her, Astoria ran towards her father and embraced him. The next two days proved just how strong Harry was emotionally. " Sirius said, calling his godson over. Having overheard Seamus telling Dean that by taking the test. James, his teeth set in anger, just shook his head. "HARRY!" Hermione practically squealed with joy as she dashed towards him, almost knocking him over as she launched herself into his arms and began kissing him furiously. She placed the notebook in the handbag. Previous story available at: Hentaifoundry dot com (search for Harry's Sex Spellbook there)The first expansion was the only "conquest" in Potter history. 3. Dumbledore decides the Old Families won't tolerate the Chosen One being with a mudblood. Daniel Granger was pretty well spot on with his time estimate as he parked down the street from the Leaky Cauldron. exams, Daphne Greengrass finds on her pillow, a letter from her much-older self. Harry was surprised by the venom in her voice but she continued, "Narcissa's son is Draco Malfoy, which means he has the secondary claim after Potter to be the Patriarch of the House of Black. Heir to the house of Peverell . Set shortly after the Chamber of Secrets, Harry discovers that by defeating Lord Voldemort three time, he has stolen his enemies title of Lord Slytherin. Winston walked into the office in Windsor Castle that the Queen used when the Royals were in residence. "Greetings Lord Potter,my name. Harry is very powerfull, and quickly gets a harem - Hermione, Ginny, Luna. Harry was utterly furious and devastated as he looked down at the results of the Inheritance Test he had just taken. # 1. The milky white stone had a deep, black carving in it, a triangle with a circle in it, and a line slashed down through both. AU, EWE, HP/DG eventually. The Potter name still has clout and alliances, but it is considered a House that has fallen from grace. *Sequel to Harry's Sex Spellbook* Harry is forced to juggle multiple public responsibilities, and a large harem of witches. "Finish your broccoli, young man," Snape said sternly. The Ministry of Magic has jurisdiction over the distribution of magical artifacts. Orion had been older than Walburga, and he should have known better – it was taboo, even in their society. Lily Potter was one of the most brilliant Witches of her age. Groaning, he got up and reluctantly began his chores for the day. The girl had been going on for years that she was going to marry him. "He'll be okay," she offered softly. Fighting Back By: HP4Ever21. The man next to him did get a mist Patronus off, but it only held the creature back. His eyes snapped open and he instantly looked around . A very different Harry goes to Hogwarts. Once you're free, I want to ask you to go there and ask Kreacher to show you Regulus's locket. Follow Harry Potter as he finds his way across his strange problems, his notoriety and of course, the resurrected dark lord trying to kill him. pearl hunting locations in florida; timberland hunting leases in georgiaThe breakfast began just before seven in the morning.