chessy urban dictionary. The most sexy of people on earth. chessy urban dictionary

 The most sexy of people on earthchessy urban dictionary  A cheesy dream is two slices of french toast with cheese in the middle

To add some extra pizzaz, melt cheese (amerian only) on the tot. "Sucking his cheesy willy!" - Tanya Kellock. Yellow, black. 5. A cheesy smile is wide but not sincere: She. Or someone who is really happy or excited. Jump to: General, Art, Business, Computing, Medicine, Miscellaneous, Religion, Science, Slang, Sports, Tech, Phrases We found 3 dictionaries with English definitions that. Must be presented veiny side up with a side of fresh man yoghurt/girl butter. When a man does not wash his genitals resulting in a cheesy smell coming from the underside of the testicals. lube up with cheese. A large dildo that has been dipped in cheese and inserted into a man's anus. dick is always covered in spirm. 5. Alternate Definitions: It can also mean when someone smiles at your vagina, or when someone throws cash at it. A sexual condition where a woman suffers from a yeast infection whilst having the crusted remains of her partners semen caked around the lips of her vaginal canal. The product of masturbating so furiously on a pimple covered penis, such that the penis becomes chafed and bloody, mixing together the popped pimple puss and blood into a paste known as the cheesy ragu. She listens to great music, and plays guitar or bass. When they arrive home they will certainly have a surprise waiting for them in their mailbox The Gravesend term for "woodlouse" Your English teacher might have told you to search this up. Cheesy Pizza, or any other two words that have the initials CP commonly refer to child porn. After a long work out, the fungus that builds up in your taint that lookes like that of cheeze whiz. cheese ass pooover exaggerated and still not cutting it, off by a mile and overdoneWhen a small(or large) piece of cheese is added to someone's water. A person who hits you for no reason. the cheesy hotel painting spider. John Podesta: Sup gang, wanna come over and eat some Cheese pizza. Look ,Its a chessy ! Stop behaving like a chessy and EARN your grades child ! by Bob March 15, 2005. It’s a sneaky way of saying, “We don’t want to hear from you, or have contact with you again. Used to describe excitment,something cool or "hip". Yours friends. . Boost your Discord server on Urban. Can sniff penny's from a mile off and has the best Jew lazers the world has seen. When the cheese comes off a slice of pizza and hits your face. Increbile if order without rice and sour cream. Used to represent something that not only sucks, blows or is otherwise just terrible but is totally and utterly horrible. Can sniff penny's from a mile off and has the best Jew lazers the world has seen. If you and your friends form a Cheesy Peeps then you know everything is gooooooood!. When a chicks clit is so dangly it reminds you of stringy cheese flapping aroundA sex act in which you eat a taco from within the Butt cheeks of your partner. Not just any color. Yellow, black. There is an evil rock, dora the creep, boots the stalker, and a 'NO ADS' mouse who hates ads. a Cheesy Bellend A person who does not wash his penis often, and so provides a breeding ground for smegma loving bacteria, hence the cheese. Derived from "munchies" Belinda, as much as we was enjoying Tony Sylvester in her bum, Jim Sterling in her vag, and Des Martin in her mouth, wished she had three more blokes to double her pleasure and give her a real cheesy hedgehogging. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. According to the dictionary, cheesy is used to mean something that is very obviously joking or over-the-top. Flag. The best friend group in the world and had so many people. When you swab your throb cob in a large, lukewarm vat of week old stadium cheese. A phrase referring to the subject discussed as being equal to or lower than the quality of canned cheese. Not to be confused with a brand of chips. The smegma loaded penis is then rubbed quickly on a partners nose, activating the scent and completing the 'Cheesy Wiggle'. the best word in the english language and should have it's own page in the dictionary. Read more about this topic on MyAnimeList, and join in the discussion on the largest online anime and manga database in the world! Join the online community, create your anime and manga list, read reviews, explore the forums, follow news, and so much more! (Topic ID: 2029814)The meaning of VIBE is a distinctive feeling or quality capable of being sensed —often plural. 2) A man who has been covered in sperm. This is delicious both hot and cold, usually on a platter. When you say a joke a ton but it was only funny the first timeThe act of plumbing someone's anus while the person being fucks defacates on your penisthe act of getting a footjob while on the shitter, while having dihharea. 2. informal term for pizza "let's rent a movie and order a cheesie" by t. When a male places two slices of Kraft American cheese singles onto a females breasts and proceeds to titty-fuck her. Variants: cheesier mcelroy (same as the cheesy. Más información en el diccionario inglés-español. Boost your YouTube video on Urban Dictionary in just. Another way of saying stupid bullshit that makes it sound nicer. Advertise your YouTube video on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. 8 km/h. When your arpits are so crusty they have a cheesy textureWhen you take an old tube sock, fill it with nacho cheese and proceed to have sex with the tube sock. a gross ball of american cheese that is shaped like a cysta cheesy queef is where a boy in a sexual activity decides to spread in a wide motion and begin to ‘queef’ aka fart out of there winky woo and it smells of cheese. of bad quality or in bad taste: 2. Scaby and filthy. How to use vibe in a sentence. The small pieces of sweaty lint and or dry skin that get caught right at the top of your ass crack. Cheesy mouse. The best student meal. Boost your YouTube video on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. net dictionary. 'Cheesy' is read with a "C" voice instead of "S", like: chee--see First Boy: Kiya tum nay wo larki dekhi (did you saw that girl)? Second: with a wink ----cheesy thee yaaar (yeah dude! she was beautiful) Low quality, cheap, inauthentic, crappy; fake. When you get face fucked and the jizz solidifies to form a beard. just like easy peasey lemon squeeze, but quirkyA smelly, dirty pussy that needs a good douche. Anything which sucks profusely. You need nothing more than a Cheesy peep in your life for it to be fulfilled and complete. Used to describe excitment,something cool or "hip". Generally aimed at the 8-14 age bracket, DCOMs are apparently the guilty pleasure of many a high school student, as evidenced by people. Thats cheesy. Shumboom. A cheesy blanket is when one gets a thin sheets cheese and proceeds to put it on his/her partners asshole. . I’m a barbie girl, in a barbie world this song is about barbie I don’t like the lyric “you can undress me everywhere” it’s a bit weirdThe sexual fetish of inserting a stick of string cheese into a girl's asshole and then eating the cheese out of her asshole. However, if it's over the top, in a way that's so bad it's good, it's also cheesy, but in a good way. The cheese fries may be from anywhere, and what you do after (eat them or throw them out) doesn't matter. "Sucking his cheesy willy!" - Tanya Kellock. hungry. n, the act of sticking one's tongue into another's ear. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. With uncanny agility, the spider can flatten itself to the wall and scurry with such speed that the Earth's rotation speed at the equator increased by 0. when your at your climax you scream "uh, yeah, im gonna give it to you cheesy!"1. Smells like rotten cheese, looks like rotten cheese. A comic created by two idiots about a mouse named "Cheesy" who travels around the world and a screaming man. a couple is lying under the starry night boy: *counts stars* 1 2 3. - When a man and woman preform a sexual act in a taco bell parking lot, putting a Cheesy Gordita Crunch half in, halfout the woman's vagina. © 1999-2023 Urban Dictionary ® ads; help; privacy; terms of service; dmca; accessibility statementProbally on eof the most brutal forms on torture. The man then ejaculates onto each slice of cheese. A cheesy willy is a willy that tastes like cheese. A cheesy dream is when a guy hasn't washed his dick in 6 months or more and he cums on your face when you are sleeping. Despite having a tiny mickey, don't get comfortable as he will steal your missus in a second with his fudgy scent and Adidas appeal. "a cheesy chester is when you eat a whole bag of Cheetos, and then finger a vag. schutt January 24, 2010. So if a girl say any guy Cheesy that's mean for her that particular guy is very uncool, useless. Boost your LinkedIn page on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. "A hippie that wears regular clothes, likes war, and is pretty much a regular person. When a man does not wash his genitals resulting in a cheesy smell coming from the underside of the testicals. Cheesy Nugg. a queso. Traditionally one from McDonald's; however, may be used with equal force at any establishment which provides its customers with the ever-delicious combination of two all-beef patties and a slice or two of "cheese". Yellow, black. Can be used in place of off da hizzle. Advertise your Twitter post on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. Food truck term coined by the window wizard fishtacomargarita himself. n, a chest-pussy; an inverse choner; when the center of a man's chest has a small depression. Slang. Get the Shumboom mug. 3. Girlfriend, Whats that on your Balls Ew. 1. Cheesy Christopher. 2. informal. Ferment for extra enjoyment. Boost your Discord server on Urban Dictionary in. When a person spreads their butt cheeks while farting to prevent the fart from making too much noise by flapping of said butt cheeks. Cheesy Peeps. It's the abbreviation for Cheshire cat. (as a matter of fact, my sister used this term a lot before southpark was launched. ingrediants - beans cheese(prefable - cheesy)The product of masturbating so furiously on a pimple covered penis, such that the penis becomes chafed and bloody, mixing together the popped pimple puss and blood into a paste known as the cheesy ragu. BLACK!!. Urban Dictionary is written by you. Boost your web site on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. A mandatory alert that must be given before something cheesy is said. Something to say out of complete randomness. What it means is: Trying too hard,. a moustache that looks as bad as Geraldo Rivera's. lil wayne has a nickname that is wheezy. cheesy dick. 1. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples in American EnglishRead more about this topic on MyAnimeList, and join in the discussion on the largest online anime and manga database in the world! Join the online community, create your anime and manga list, read reviews, explore the forums, follow news, and so much more! (Topic ID: 2029814)(noun)a vaginia. over exaggerated and still not cutting it, off by a mile and overdonewhen doing a cheesy charlie and you put the seram wrap on the persons face, instead of excreting fecal matter on the seram wrap take a shit on their chest being a cleveland steamer but they thought they were getting a cheesy charlie or a hot platea cheesy sack of semen creation. What boys balls look like if they dont shower for a weekThis is a sexual position in which a man covers up a woman's vaginal opening with a slice of American cheese and then he sticks a chess piece, usually a queen, through the piece of American cheese and into the woman's pussy. Comical food product invented by the The Fast Show, a UK TV program which aired in the 90sNew promotional item created by Taco Bell. Cheesy Pizza, or any other two words that have the initials CP commonly refer to child porn. When you swipe your hand between your nuts and your leg, and it smells like a cheesy burrito from Amigo's Restaurant. Sometimes said altogether as one word, this is a seemingly rare term which roughly translates as 'It's alright!', or 'It's sorted mate!', or maybe even 'Well I never!'A Cheese is a youthful person that enjoys video games, and who typically neighbors your property. The smegma loaded penis is then rubbed. . The cheese fries may be from anywhere, and what you do after (eat them or throw them out) doesn't matter. A person who knowingly procrastinates even though something has to be taken care of within an allotment of time and then pushes the responsibility of the task onto someone else, making them a cheesy boner. The term comes from the NBC series Scrubs as a reference to a vaginia by the character Dr. Thats cheesy. ingrediants - beans cheese(prefable - cheesy) Cheese on my biscuit is a sexual reference towards someone wanting someone to urinate on them. The meaning of CHEESY is resembling or suggesting cheese especially in consistency or odor. Publicize your YouTube video on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. when your getting a blow job and you take the girl's nose and rub it between your nut sack and leg and then continue the blow jobadjective: a penis covered in cum. A large dildo that has been dipped in cheese and inserted into a man's anus. A Cheesy life is the life of a 400 pound internet troll. Cheeses are known for their distinctive simping tendencies towards Minecraft Youtubers, but aside from the. According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Something that is inauthentic, trite, corny, dated it's cheesy. Cheesy P otherwise know as Le Fudge is the true gypsy king who could bate the head off Mike Tyson anyday just for the craic. an 89 cent burito at taco bell that is like crack wrapped in a tortillaWhen a guy sticks a cheesy dorito in a girls pussy and another guy takes it out with his mouth. When someone is being extra corny and Overly generous at the same time. A ghastly robotics team in which NASA over-helps students build a damn good bot. 2. The term is often used in a negative or sarcastic way to criticize something that is considered unoriginal or lacking in creativity. See cheesyWhen a man does not wash his genitals resulting in a cheesy smell coming from the underside of the testicals. Yellow, black. Taco Bell veterans call it the "Cheefy. You can use nutritional yeast to add a cheesy flavor to vegan dishes. The smell of cheese and dirty ass mixed together. The smegma loaded penis is then rubbed quickly on a partners nose, activating the scent and completing the 'Cheesy Wiggle'. Or Kait for short. a ball of puffed cheese, like a cheeto. The term 'Meepo' originates from the DotA 2 hero who splits into 5 separate units. Switch to new thesaurus. 'Cheesy' is read with a "C" voice instead of "S",. © 1999-2023 Urban Dictionary ® ads; help; privacy; terms of service; dmca; accessibility statementThe act of putting a large amount of dick cheese in a bowl and have 3 men ejaculate inside it and mix it up, then find a male named jimmy and make him eat itWhen something is really cheesy, but is still decent enough to be liked. Of course, it’s not always a job-interview situation. Usually if the highest quality Cheese like substance situated in the foreskin area of an unwashed dick. Similar to a Muddy Slip. Usually during instant messaging. When a male places two slices of Kraft American cheese singles onto a females breasts and proceeds to titty-fuck her. Sentimental and/or dramatic, yet superficial and unconvincing. Can also be used to refer to something to difficult or involving excessive amounts of work. When two or more obese people get sexually aroused and have a hankering for cheese and have sex in a fountain of cheese, thus when walking by the fountain it appears to be cheesy flapjack. There is another definition given for it in the Urban Dictionary, but that. (informal) too emotional or romantic, in a way that is embarrassing a cheesy love song a cheesy romance novel (of a smile) done in an exaggerated and probably not sincere. Twanger also combines the descriptors of 'Trance', 'Wobble', and 'Banger'After sweating profusely and avoiding any sort of cleanliness, sag your balls in front of a partners face, and let them use your sack as a mask. Advertise your LinkedIn page on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. Related to cookie cutter. a moustache that looks as bad as Geraldo Rivera's. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Also, a cheesy tot is surrounded by a bacon piece sizzled with brown sugar. Define a Word. Similar to a Muddy Slip. Shumboom. Advertise your LinkedIn page on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. Other definitions of Cheesy: When something looks, smells, or tastes like cheese, which is formed by coagulation of the milk protein. The term cheesy is slang that is used to describe something that is corny or inauthentic. Define a Word. Get fun and popular 90s phrases. Cheesy dick is used to not only represent the case of a man with cheese dick but also to represent something really cheesy, corny or lame. An exclamation at something crazy and/or surprising. Alternate Definitions: It can also mean when someone smiles at your vagina, or when someone throws cash at it. of bad quality or in bad taste: 2. Derived from "munchies" Belinda, as much as we was enjoying Tony Sylvester in her bum, Jim Sterling in her vag, and Des Martin in her mouth, wished she had three more blokes to double her pleasure and give her a real cheesy hedgehogging. From cheese cloth, the thin cheap fabric used to drain cheese curd, and in the past sometimes used instead. Refers to the Cheetos commercials starring the lovable Chester Cheetah, which promoted snacks that were "dangerously cheesy. Comical food product invented by the The Fast Show, a UK TV program which aired in the 90s The term given to a woman's vagina when the woman has such a bad yeast infection that the yeast expells from the inner vagina, then dries on the outer lips of said vagina. over exaggerated and still not cutting it, off by a mile and overdoneA fictional brand of cheese-flavoured snack, eaten by South Park kid Eric Cartman. When a girl leaves spit on a guys dickUsually an Aboriginal person. A burrito containing beef, seasoned rice, and 3 cheese blend. Yellow, black. Get the cheesie mug. May be abbreviated with “CGC”When you're about to ejaculate, you stuff the tip of your penis onto the buttcheek of your partner's freshly shit, unwiped ass, making the semen spray in all directions over the buttcheek, looking like a poorly made cheesy grease bomb. A situation is cheesy when the characters, their motives, and/or their emotions are not believable. Flag. The best student meal. Food truck term coined by the window wizard fishtacomargarita himself. Jeffery Epstein: Count me in! James Alefantis: I’ll order!What ever the fuck you want it to beSo romantic that its lame. 2. Learn more. 8 km/h. Dress to impress for a night out, and dance however you feel because you don't care about your image, even though your attire said otherwise. He can never get the ins with the girls even though he is a sexy beast. Sentimental and/or dramatic, yet superficial and unconvincing. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Cheesy definition: of or like cheese. See cheesy Low quality, cheap, inauthentic, crappy; fake. A fat person whose main goal in life is being annoying. Read more about this topic on MyAnimeList, and join in the discussion on the largest online anime and manga database in the world! Join the online community, create your anime and manga list, read reviews, explore the forums, follow news, and so much more! (Topic ID: 2029814)Read more about this topic on MyAnimeList, and join in the discussion on the largest online anime and manga database in the world! Join the online community, create your anime and manga list, read reviews, explore the forums, follow news, and so much more! (Topic ID: 2029814)Read more about this topic on MyAnimeList, and join in the discussion on the largest online anime and manga database in the world! Join the online community, create your anime and manga list, read reviews, explore the forums, follow news, and so much more! (Topic ID: 2029814)Cheesy의 정의 Tem dois sentidos, o primeiro sendo “com muito queijo”, mas também tem o sentido de “muito fofo, sentimental” , em um jeito positivo mas com a sensação que a pessoa está tentando demais. The most cheesiest grand high lord of cheesy sayings. © 1999-2023 Urban Dictionary ® ads; help; privacy; terms of service; dmca; accessibility statement Cheesy Pizza, or any other two words that have the initials CP commonly refer to child porn Cheesy Pizza, or any other two words that have the initials CP commonly refer to child porn Cheesy Pizza, or any other two words that have the initials CP commonly refer to child porn Once there is a good layer of ejaculate on each piece of cheese, the man then mashes the two pieces together and force feeds the cheesy jizz sandwich to the female. Once there is a good layer of ejaculate on each piece of cheese, the man then mashes the two pieces together and force feeds the cheesy jizz sandwich to the female. The state of being lethargic or lazy. 1) A budget cheese flavour puffed corn snack. It can refer to a lame joke, an inauthentic comment or story, or a movie that is considered stupid. (While feeling the fabric of a shirt on the rack) "This one feels a little cheesy. Yellow, black. tasting like or…. the act of losing ones butthole virginity without planning on it and without complaining. An awful moustache; i. An over used excuse An over used story A term of something familliarUrban Thesaurus examples: money , friend , trying to impress others , boyfriend or girlfriend Click words for definitionsA famous mark on the chest from a Pepega streamer called Shylily PepeLaughThe term cheesy is slang that is used to describe something that is corny or inauthentic. Aaron:. If it's both it's probably an 80s movie. a bagel with baked cheese in it, topped with a sufficient amount of butter for select individuals to use as lubricant for personal masturbation and sexual intercourse; it is also sufficient enough to house any kind of sandwich including a hamburgerThe ooey-gooey goodness of cheese and beef, typically associated with Taco Bell's famous cuisine. Sassy bitch who will, beat you a inch away from death for feeding her the wrong bird foodThe product of masturbating so furiously on a pimple covered penis, such that the penis becomes chafed and bloody, mixing together the popped pimple puss and blood into a paste known as the cheesy ragu. Read more about this topic on MyAnimeList, and join in the discussion on the largest online anime and manga database in the world! Join the online community, create your anime and manga list, read reviews, explore the forums, follow news, and so much more! (Topic ID: 2029814)We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The Gang. A boy that does or says cute cheesy things. an explosion of flavors. ingrediants - beans cheese(prefable - cheesy) The product of masturbating so furiously on a pimple covered penis, such that the penis becomes chafed and bloody, mixing together the popped pimple puss and blood into a paste known as the cheesy ragu. Learn more. When someone slips on cheesy nachos, proceeds to slide for quite a while then ends up with nasty cheese residue on their pants much to their displeasure. This word is not so obvious in its meaning and if you have ever heard someone say it, you may have been very confused unless it was explained. When someone slips on cheesy nachos, proceeds to slide for quite a while then ends up with nasty cheese residue on their pants much to their displeasure. j. Someone who is known as a Cheese will randomly appear in your living room on the couch, usually with a bowl of chips/other greasy food. A girl who is naturally blonde, but often dyes her hair different colors. Sometimes, it’s even more vague than that. Popularized by the critically acclaimed Grand Theft Auto IV video game. Yellow, black. The Greatest MUTHAFUCKIN THING ever invented its an orgi of the taste buds. someone who is always jacking off. Boost your Twitter post on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. Slang for person from Massachusetts. Basically, if you win, you feel like a celebrity, and if you lose, well, you die a little inside. When you say a joke a ton but it was only funny the first timeWhen like an egg is cooked and there’s cheesie on it type shit. Advertise your web site on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. The act of ejaculating in your friends mailbox multiple times while he/she is on vacation, then letting it sit till they return. A sex act in which you eat a taco from within the Butt cheeks of your partner. Anything low quality or substandard. A random word meaning random person for use only by the most random of peopleA double cheeseburger. The act of sending stinky cheese in the mail to someone you dislike. Get the cheesie mug. Used to represent something that not only sucks, blows or is otherwise just terrible but is totally and utterly horrible. Something to say out of complete randomness. cheese. Get the fuck out of that discord server. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Cheesy Twanger. Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. A unsanitary vagina, one which smells like rotten cheese. Usually used to describe cheap goods or bad, low-budget movies. But the person says they are a hippie. A cheesy smile is wide but not sincere: 3. A slang term that indicates something is inferior, cheap, or inauthentic, and glaringly so. cheesy Bedeutung, Definition cheesy: 1. A cheesy smile is wide but not sincere: 3. The Gravesend term for "woodlouse" Your English teacher might have told you to search this up. However, he doesn't eat the cheese burger just yet; he also sticks. The best student meal. Ferment for extra enjoyment. A morbidly obese person, whose fat is so prominent cheese forms on the creased overlappings of excess skin. chintzy, crummy, punk, bum, sleazy, tinny, cheap. See also bad in general. Cheesy Nugg. The smell is reminiscent of a bad gouda or camembert, or a heavy brie. Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "chessy" is defined. cheesie. Cheesy Balls. Oi,we getting a cheesy mouse tonight. The smell is reminiscent of a bad gouda or camembert, or a heavy brie. Is also king of toasters. adjective,chees·i·er, chees·i·est. Twitter; Facebook; Help; SubscribeGet the fuck out of that discord server. Where a uncircumcised man lets his cock cheese grow to a dangerous amount of cheese under his foreskin and a lady or man sucks his dick for a cheesy surprisea bagel with baked cheese in it, topped with a sufficient amount of butter for select individuals to use as lubricant for personal masturbation and sexual intercourse; it is also sufficient enough to house any kind of sandwich including a hamburgerA term used to let someone know that you enjoy their "Cheesyness". inferior or cheap; chintzy: The movie's. A large dildo that has been dipped in cheese and inserted into a man's anus. Yellow, black. The most chaotic and dramatic group chat you’ll ever seeRandom pedestrians in the game would sometimes yell "Cheesy vagina!" when the player caused mayhem in the city streets. loves skinny jeans. Scaby and filthy. e. Often used by "Chester" to describe his cheetos. 1. Boost your LinkedIn page on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. When a man does not wash his genitals resulting in a cheesy smell coming from the underside of the testicals. The word cheesy is often defined simply as "sentimental", but there is a key distinction between the two. Flag. Often said when you are blamed for something that was clearly your fault. an explosion of flavors. When a person spreads their butt cheeks while farting to prevent the fart from making too much noise by flapping of said butt cheeks. A shop that typically sells cheese. A cheesy blanket is when one gets a thin sheets cheese and proceeds to put it on his/her partners asshole. 1) A budget cheese flavour puffed corn snack. When a guy sticks a cheesy dorito in a girls pussy and another guy takes it out with his mouth. The victim is bashed over the head from a block of cheese resulting in severe brain damage, memory loss, internal bleeding and a deformed skull. John Podesta: Sup gang, wanna come over and eat some Cheese pizza. Adj. Promote your Facebook post on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. When something is both cheesy and dangerous. 1. She is usually shy but has plenty of friends. BLACK!! You better not bring home any Shumbooms! by -Chessy February 6, 2020. From cheese cloth, the thin cheap fabric used to drain cheese curd, and in the past sometimes used instead for proper cloth in cheap clothing. chicken nuggets with cheese and toes. Chessy. When something is both cheesy and dangerous. See examples of CHEESY used in a sentence. For for specific good qualities see good qualities. 1 Km/h to its current speed of 1,669. When a person gives oral sex to a women while the said women had a yeast infection. Sassy bitch who will, beat you a inch away from death for feeding her the wrong bird food The product of masturbating so furiously on a pimple covered penis, such that the penis becomes chafed and bloody, mixing together the popped pimple puss and blood into a paste known as the cheesy ragu. A mixture of insults to add to your insult to make it more insulting. Publicize your Facebook post on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. A random word meaning random person for use only by the most random of peopleIn general, the cheesy mcelroy is a sex act in which you dump a plate of warm cheese fries on your partner when they aren't expecting it.