Quicksight distinct count over. detalosi dna detarapes yllacisyhp elpitlum edivorp snoigeR SWA . Quicksight distinct count over

<b>detalosi dna detarapes yllacisyhp elpitlum edivorp snoigeR SWA </b>Quicksight distinct count over I have a dataset that records per month an employee for a specific company

How would we sum up all distinct count values of an ID over the previous 4 weeks (not including the current week) divided by 4 (number of weeks)? We’re trying to get an average distinct_count of ID’s over. distinct_countIf({row_id}, {country} = ‘New Zealand’) / sumOver(distinct_count({row_id})) Hello Tin, Totals and subtotals are blank for table calculations on metrics aggregated by distinct count. Amazon QuickSight Community Need to take Sum of Distinct Count. Valid granularities include YEAR, QUARTER, MONTH, WEEK, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, and. In QuickSight, in the navigation bar at the top right, choose your account (indicated by a person icon) and then choose Manage QuickSight. I also want to be able to filter by a date range using two data. Creator II. Choose New dataset. 2 Answers. You can either change the aggregation in the field wells, or wrap your calculation in a. The following example returns the median sales value for each region. In the screenshot below, Order Date and Sales (Sum) are added to the insight. Distinct count on customer type; Distinct count on country of residency;. amazon. Assuming we have a created_date column that we aggregate at the week level (starting on Sundays). SYNTAX. 362 3 3 silver badges 10 10 bronze badges. The number of months of data the Athena views will contain. Now, I’d like to calculate a count distinct in a visual disregarding any dimension of the visual I tried distinctCountOver({id},) and it doesn’t works. Active Users (Last 90 Days): ifelse (dateDiff ( {completion_date},now ()) <=90, {user_id},NULL) This calculated field aggregate is set to Count Distinct and it works well! When trying to calculate the number of active users over the total sum of users to return the percent of total during the same 90 day period, this is where I am getting the. The distinct_count function calculates the number of distinct values in a dimension or measure, grouped by the chosen dimension or dimensions. Thanks, Raji encounter an issue to do calculation with distinct count value. The distinct_count function calculates the number of distinct values in a dimension or measure, grouped by the chosen dimension or dimensions. Prior to QuickSight he was the lead product manager for Inforiver, responsible for building a enterprise BI product from ground up. version, b. The functions will be available to all users soon around end of June. As far as for the workaround you might have to perform such computation in data-prep using joins. QuickSight is smart enough to figure out that author wants to aggregate data to the visual level first, and then use the division. I was able to find an answer to this. Edit format of the date field. Amazon QuickSight is built by AWS and runs on AWS-managed infrastructure. csv) files, tables, views, SQL queries, or JSON objects in. I want to create a clustered bar combo chart where on:. aws. When should/can a player offer flavour suggestions over mechanics during character creation? Shifting existing points (shapefile) to the highest. QuickSight is smart enough to figure out that author wants to aggregate data to the visual level first, and then use the division. There are two varieties of the percentileOver calculation available in QuickSight: percentileContOver uses linear interpolation to determine result. In the example below I added a fictional "CustomerID" field for demonstration. With these two fields selected, QuickSight shows the year to date sales of the latest. My table has some valued more than once. For more information about signing up for QuickSight, see Signing up for an Amazon QuickSight subscription. The total billed amount for this service line is divided into three percentages, which total 100 percent. how-to, calculations, filters. Calculates running Distinct Count of a field, over the specified time period, partitioned by time period and all the group-by dimension. Note: this method will not work to find a moving distinct count. To get this use:Publishing Your Dashboard. With QuickSight, all users can meet varying analytic needs from the same source of truth through modern interactive dashboards, paginated reports, embedded analytics and natural language queries. Before you apply these calculations, look at the following brief introduction to partition functions. Ditto - same here!Resident Ejemplo. countOver calculates the count of a field over one or more dimensions. You can hover over the label for the field you want to sort by, and choose the sort icon. QuickSight account name. Make the calculated field: distinctCountOver (TYPE, [ID],PRE_FILTER) -1. Use the following list to see what type of formatting works in a visualization during analysis: Bar charts (both horizontal and vertical) support the following formatting: Customize, display, or. g. Share. This is because it will count the distinct ComponentId per week or per day. Remember to set the aggregate function to Average because we want to find the average profit ratio. Supported levels are PRE_FILTER and. (Optional) Add more visuals to the analysis. image 785×265 11. Amazon Web Services · August 2, 2017 · · August 2, 2017 ·Calculation at the right granularity always needs to be handled carefully when performing data analytics. field from the analysis inside of the partition by of distinctcountover like how it is possible in sumover and count over. Question & Answer. If you do not have a QuickSight account please follow the instructions in the Initial Setup. Amazon QuickSight is built by AWS and runs on AWS-managed infrastructure. In the example above, I would. Parameters can also connect one dashboard to another, allowing a dashboard user to drill. To find a feature or item, use the Quick search bar. Many AWS customers use multiple AWS accounts and Regions across different departments and applications within the same company. However, if you changed the x-axis to let’s say a date then it would take the count of distinct key’s per date and calculate it then. After selecting the ‘orders’ sheet, go to edit/preview data page where your data set details appears. g. The account name uniquely identifies your account in QuickSight. Then I created a second calculated field "Total Register Count" with the following formula. ABC Customer/12345/100. Amazon QuickSight recently launched a new. 1. AWS Security Hub is a service that gives you aggregated visibility into your security and compliance posture across multiple Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts. My dataset has over 10 million rows, which is data for 3 months. date BETWEEN bookings. Once we add ability to get total number of distinct users, you should be able to do everything in QuickSight. ifelse ( month = 5 OR ( month < 3 AND year = 2000 ), 'yes', 'no') then-expression. If I do something like:distinct_count({transaction_id)) / distinct_count({customer_id}) and then plot it on a chart by week, the denominator becomes the count of customers who had a transaction. AWS QuickSight: Calculate Aggregate Percentage in Table. percentileOver. The red highlights show that the partition field with the value " Billing " has three entries, one for each region. sum, count, average) Discrete: Values in the dataset are distinct and separate. In the next window, make sure to check the box for the S3 bucket containing the data and then click “Save”. Now you have two visuals from distinct datasets in one. Of you just want to count the distinct id with a socre 98% or more, you can use a filter for the score and a visual setting the in the value field the id (count Distinct). (Optional) The time period across which you're computing the computation. Question & Answer. The following example sums Billed Amount over Customer Region. If you understand the order that the configuration is evaluated in, you know the sequence. Before you apply these calculations, look at the following brief introduction to partition functions. 06-30-21 is Wednesday. Use a data source to access an external data store. eg: we have: name id karthik 1 harsha. Amazon QuickSight connects to your data in the cloud and combines data from many different sources. Note: For more information, see Creating Datasets in the Amazon QuickSight documentation. With LAC-A functions, you can specify at what level to group the computation. Bhupinder started his career in presales, followed by a small gig in consulting and then PM for xViz, an add on. Max February 16, 2023, 6:14pm 2. SUMX (DISTINCTCUSTOMERS, [DistCust]) The total at the bottom represent ALL the distinct customers, which in my summary table is 8,771. We look forward to your feedback and stories on how you apply these calculations for your business needs. i basically want to not sum duplicate values twice. 4a. filters. But the correct value will still depend on which chart you are. The fields in the table calculation are in the field wells of the visual. distinct count from Feb 2022 to Jan 2023. So if you have an id of 1234 on week 33 and week 43 then it will count it twice on your progress because that is a unique component for that week. It should give you the right answer. median({Sales}) You can also specify at what level to group the computation using one or more dimensions in the view or in your dataset. I have a table of count distinct. 2. The expression must have the same data type as the other then arguments and the else argument. The Team view provides a high-level overview of the evaluation forms. Hope that helps. I want to use the calculated field to scale up a percentage for an estimate value. On the menu in the upper-right hand side of the visual, choose Format visual. I have a table of count distinct. At the moment you can define a measure that returns the number of distinct users for each device but not the total number of distinct users. For example, you can create a computation to count the number of unique values in a. (Optional) The time period across which you're computing the computation. Refer to your QuickSight invitation email or contact your QuickSight administrator if you are unsure of your account name. (Optional) The time period across which you're computing the computation. For example, my table has only date and string fields. This is my data (simplified): Date User First Purchase Type Amount Q. Choose a specific visual type, or use AutoGraph and let Amazon QuickSight choose the most appropriate visual type, based on the number and data types of the fields that you select. Agreed, it should be possible in the analysis too. Add a comment. Check the box for “Amazon S3” and then click “Select S3 buckets”. Navigate to QuickSight, Dashboards, and select <stack-name>-EvaluationFormAnalytics_v1. The unique values computation counts the unique values in a category field. The unique values computation counts the unique values in a category field. 2 karthik 3 Vikram 4 karthik 5 I want the syntax in QuickSight for counting the number of records karthik has in the above. Calculating sum of distinct values of a dataset using Tableau. You can try to concatenate values: SELECT offlocation AS city, COUNT (distinct offbegindate || '-' || crscode) as no. We are using AWS Quicksight to create dashboards to view the data. of unique course offerings DESC; Share. Result: Let us know if this resolves your issue. I. This is called a LAC-A function. if total UNIQUE count of people is 4 and 2 of them have picked symptom A, then I’d like to see: A = 2/4 = 50% Currently QuickSight is able to calculate shares based on total count of. From the Fields list pane, drag the fields that you want to use to the appropriate field wells. com distinctCountOver - Amazon QuickSight. Example with conditional statements. I’m using the below formula to get this unique count. Amazon QuickSight added. Union this pre-aggregated data with the original table. Make sure that QuickSight is using the IAM role aws-quicksight-service-role. distinct_count関数は、指定したカラムの値の内、値に重複がないカラムの総数をグループ化した条件別に算出します。 distinct_countIf関数 使い方としては、avgIf関数と同様にパラメータの設定・条件式を定義します。 1 Answer. CountThis example shows how to use ARRAY_AGG () to pivot a column of output into an array in a single row: This example shows the use of the DISTINCT keyword with ARRAY_AGG (). Correct the syntax and try again. Essentially what I want is for the x-axis to show all the months (or days) from January to December. I can see here that I can use describe-dashboard or describe-data-set to. when an ID has one occurence in May and one in June, it should count it once in May, but not in June - however, as the sum of. 01/2022 | PERSON A | COMPANY 1 02/2022 | PERSON A | COMPANY 1 01/2022 | PERSON B | COMPANY 1. Can someone help me? Thank you in advance!! Wakana August 14, 2023, 3:25am 2. Quicksight provides easy to use tools to build visualizations, perform ad-hoc analysis, get business insights from the data and share the results with others. Create the visual with the above field NumberOrdersPerCustomer in the “X-Axis well of the Field Wells. Both bar charts and line charts are useful for. percentOfTotal (. We have introduced dataset. Question & Answer. A dataset parameter is a parameter created at the dataset level. Creator II. We are hoping to add this soon. Hello. If you want to count all the data points in a given partition I would use countOver instead. It might even be as simple as minOver (Ans_Count, [ID], PRE_AGG) and using SUM aggregation on top of it in the visual. QS, today as default. Is there an option to use multiple ifs condition or countifs in QuickSight? I’m trying to select all those ids that meet two conditions in two separate columns. Amazon QuickSight Community Sum of distinct countif. CLICK TO EXPAND STEPS. This is called a LAC-A function. This can be done for any part the date by a slight change to the formula. computing the distinct count of months across all students and showing the same in the Total. Question & Answer. off; So I need all ids with status-1. g. What's the equivalent function on Quicksight like "Countifs" on Excel? I would like to create a calculated field to add the count if Order status = Created AND Order status = Paid. date 1. Sorting dashboard data. It might even be as simple as minOver (Ans_Count, [ID], PRE_AGG) and using SUM aggregation on top of it in the visual. Each field in the list is enclosed in { } (curly braces), if it is more than one word. date, calculations. For simplicity in the example, we filtered out only a single payment. You can specify either ascending ( ASC) or descending ( DESC ) sort order. rogerpegler. Add text to add context to sheets in an analysis by using a text box. Additionally, customers can now create and share paginated reports alongside interactive dashboards, quickly. He has over 22 years of experience working with the enterprise customers. 6. Amazon QuickSight at a glance. by putting filters and calculated fields),I know there are 653,050 new customers, so I don’t know why the distinct count is not working. As a QuickSight administrator, you can use AWS CloudFormation templates to migrate assets between distinct environments from development, to test, to production. Previously, the dataset management experience was a popup dialog modal with limited space, and all functionality was. Also, new visuals start out smaller in size. Specific values allow you to list what values the user will see in the filter that gets added to the visual. Usually, you use custom window functions on a time series, where your visual shows a metric and a date field. By Raj Redshift. Hi, I am looking for help in calculating correct attainment % in cell F8 in the attached screenshot. For example, 4/26/2020 would become 2, because April is in the second quarter of the year. In the new insight that you created, add the time dimenstion and value dimension fields that you want to compare. todd. I am trying to use distinct_countif and was wondering if the. Amazon S3 data sources save the manifest file information. When viewing a visual, you can hover your cursor over any graphical element to get details on that element. Obviously, “week” values are a subset of “month” values (i. for example. mateoleon210 March 20, 2023, 12:45pm. A date field or a call to another function that outputs a date. Refer to your QuickSight invitation email or contact your QuickSight administrator if you are unsure of your account name. I create one more filter based on “Purchases”, and I select:Jan 2023. A new histogram initially displays ten bins (also called buckets) across the X-axis. Did you try using function distinct count over? You can follow the same calculation logic, instead of using sum, can use distinct count. With the addition of Customer Segment, the total amount billed for each is summed for the. But before we get into the Query or QuickSight charts details, let’s understand benefits of using the CUR, what data transfer is, as well as the data transfer types and usage types associated with data transfer. Any insight on this will be really helpful. For example, when you are looking at the number of unique. If we sum 8953+7667+107+41 = 16 768 which is slightly more than total on screenshot 15 199. Amazon QuickSight notifies you on a visual where it detects an anomaly, key drivers, or a forecasting opportunity. I have added the total stations in the dimension bucket and use the function distinctCountOver ( {master station}, [ {super region},region], PRE_AGG), but it only shows on the region level. Abs(expression) – Returns the absolute value of a given expression. To perform distinct count by date, you would need to use distinctCountOver syntax: distinctCountOver({Order. My solution was to create two calculated fields: max-date-per-month maxOver(date,[month],PRE_AGG) count-per-date sumOver({count_value},[date],PRE_AGG) And simply make a table from them. Now, I’d like to calculate a count distinct in a visual disregarding any dimension of the visual I tried distinctCountOver({id},) and it doesn’t works. 例えば、 distinct_count (product type) は、個別の商品タイプ (重複なし) の総数を、 (オプションで) . Numeric filters. If I use this formula distinct_count ( {customer_id}) and a new customer filter, I get 4. I need to compare an initial distinct count of values (with no filters applied) vs a distinct count of the same values after some filters have been applied. 2 Adding image and text fields to Quicksight Dashboard. Choose Add on the application bar, and then choose Add visual. The account name uniquely identifies your account in QuickSight. This is a good solution. Share. Amazon QuickSight Community How to remove count column from a pivot table chart. I have a dataset with people who can pick multiple symptoms (i. We are hoping to add this soon. pass-failed-some - Count of students in the department where the current state is pass and there is at least one failed test; To do this I've created a dataset that contains Student joined to Test. In Amazon QuickSight, authors can use dataset parameters in direct query to dynamically customize their datasets and apply reusable logic to their datasets. (Optional) The time period across which you're computing the computation. Essentially how many people had at least one session per week in the first month of their registration. lastSessionDate. Add a comment. Then make a KPI visual with ID as the Value and aggregation set to "Count distinct" and add a Filter for your calculated field with "No aggregation" and Equal to 1. rogerpegler. E. GROUP BY a. To get this use: count ( {<Color= {'RED'}>}DISTINCT ID) The total count of all ID records where Color is RED would be 5 based on the instances of the same two IDs in the role table. Follow. I agree with the above suggestions to use. If you want to count all the data points in a given partition I would use countOver instead. There is a solution in simple SQL: SELECT time, COUNT (DISTINCT user) OVER (ORDER BY time) AS users FROM users. I followed the above process and created multiple datasets. One or more measures and dimensions that you want to sort the data by, separated by commas. So I went through and added the calculated field on the area where I can. I am trying to do a distinct year-to-date count in quicksight calculations. I need a calculation that first get the Age value for distinct Employee then averages those Age. Jun 26, 2012 at 10:19. Amazon QuickSight applies all of the enabled filters to the field. The expression to return if its if argument is evaluated as true. Improve this answer. The number of times that all QuickSight visuals that belong to the QuickSight account fail to complete a data query for an initial paint. It can easily compare with the. In such cases, you can easily create multiple datasets from the data store without having. included in “month” value). Related questions. person 1 - symptom A, B person 2 - symptom B, C, D person 3 - no symptoms person 4 - symptom A etc. mansiish March 10, 2023, 10:47pm 1. Supported levels are PRE_FILTER and PRE_AGG . Li_Yang June 21, 2023, 3:38am 1. Line styling – To style a specific series, select the series to style on the drop-down menu and set the desired line styling options. For example, change the “Q” (quarter) to “MM” (month) and 4/26/2020 would present as 4, because April is the fourth. Jesse March 28, 2022, 9:55pm The total stations below are static numbers which can not be grouped by months. My table looks like this: user_id | event | date 1 | login | 2022-01-01 14:30 1 | login | 2022-01-01 15:30 2 | login | 2022-01-02 09:00 1 | login | 2022-01-02 11:59 1 |. Go to the. Aggregate functions are only available during analysis and visualization. Hovering your cursor over a single data point on a scatter plot also displays information. Current workaround is to make changes in the data prep or. By adding one argument into an existing aggregate function, such as sum() , max() , count(), you can define any group-by level that you want for the aggregation. 2019-02-14 09:48 PM. Improve this answer. Hello, I have a question with Quick Sight, I need to do the running sum of the last 12 months of a variable that is a distinct count of a string. Refer to your QuickSight invitation email or contact your QuickSight administrator if you are unsure of your account name. I have this: Customer/ID/Revenue ABC Customer/12345/100. As the distinct_countIf function exists, I thought it was possible to mix the Over & If methods in the same time, but it’s not. The same filters are applied to both visuals, except for the action filter on the bar chart. QuickSight appears to be applying a distinct_Count logic as a part of the runningcount formula instead of a pure count. e. In our example, the high series line width has been increased to 4px and the color is set to purple. avgOver(count({deal_id}), [{schema_name}]) but it doesn't in the dataset I see the column with all 'unavailable' values. For more information on QuickSight's new look, see Introducing new analysis experience on Amazon QuickSight. The following example sums Sales only if state_nm contains New. So I should simply get “2” in this case. For. From the Amazon QuickSight dashboard, choose New analysis, then. See the following for the Distinct Count Clients {idclientes}, for 2 items {codsku}, 501 and 570. Ahmed_She March 30, 2023, 3:22pm 1. Complete the following steps to upload your Sales Orders. Regards. The base partition functions that you can use for this case include sum, avg, count, distinct_count, rank, and denseRank. The QuickSight dataset will add new data incrementally without deleting historical data. On the analysis page, choose the pivot table visual that you want to edit. To use this function, you need at least one dimension in the Categories field well. However there are multiple closed statuses in use. You can approach this in the analysis without data prep/ETL. The issue now is with the filter based on the measures. An aggregated measure or dimension that you want to see the running count for. Follow. If someone can help, it will be great, thank you !. check_in_date <=. My “best” guess so far is: distinctCountOver({Id}, [${1stOfThisMonth}, ${SundayOfThisWeek}]) where 1stOfThisMonth and SundayOfThisWeek are parameters (rolling date from 1st of the. Syntax. The correct total should be 12,660. For more information on QuickSight's new look, see Introducing new analysis experience on Amazon QuickSight. The percentileOver function calculates the n th percentile of a measure partitioned by a list of dimensions. Hello, I am trying to do a distinct year-to-date count in quicksight calculations. Hi Joshua - it would be similar to the last 90 days calc, but use 7 as the number and return the field you want to do a distinct count of instead of Sales, and return NULL instead of 0. If this is no longer relevant after seven days, we will archive the question. Sorted by: 5. Then the dataset or analysis only contains records that meet both of those criteria. They also include minOver and maxOver, which can calculate minimum and maximum over partitions. To set a conditional rule. How to use `countif` in QuickSight. You need to provide at least one other dimension via aggr()-formula to show where the distinct Id's should be counted. This post is co-written with Shawn Koupal, an Enterprise Analytics IT Architect at Best Western International, Inc. We introduced the QuickSight order of evaluation, and walked through three use cases for LAC-A static keys and two use cases of LAC-A dynamic keys. The AWS global infrastructure is built around AWS Regions and Availability Zones. Question & Answer. From the top menu, choose Add data. The thing you can use to your advantage is that the COUNT function (DISTINCT or otherwise) does not count NULLs, so you just have to put a null in where it is not the type you wish to count: count (DISTINCT If (service_state='CRIT', alias, null ())) That should do the trick. Mod(number, divisor) – Finds the remainder after dividing a number by a divisor. The total stations below are static numbers which can not be grouped by months. The count function calculates the number of values in a dimension or measure, grouped by the chosen dimension or dimensions. Thanks for the reply @David_Wong - the calculated field “Ratio” is calculated as follows: “ifelse(${RatioDesired} = ‘Job Level Distribution’, {JOB_LEVEL. To see which arguments are optional,. RETURN. When you are using different datasets together in Amazon QuickSight, you can simplify the process of mapping fields or joining tables during the data preparation stage. QuickSight has carefully designed concepts and features that enable analysis builders, such as QuickSight authors, to design content-rich, interactive, and dynamic dashboards to share with dashboard. E. For example, you might want to create a table visual about a set of videos, with views and. Aggregation -> No Aggregation. my user case is based on the {CM_per_truck} or {carrier_per_truck} to identify if the shipment is under Milk-run scope. Find total number of courses. Question & Answer. These fields are indicated in Mode with blue icons. 1 Solution. how-to, calculations. On the QuickSight console, on the user name menu,. I want to sum unique ID's in below example based on customer. Current workaround is to make changes in. sumOver ( sum ( {Billed Amount}), [ {Customer Region}] ) The following screenshot shows the results of the example. To edit a join, you select the join icon between two tables (or files). Amazon QuickSight Community How to filter on distinct count column in the values fields. Redshift SELECT Distinct is used to fetch unique rows from the table. Part of AWS Collective. For more information on QuickSight's new look, see Introducing new analysis experience on Amazon QuickSight. You can also generate row number in your ETL (for this example I kept. Make the calculated field: distinctCountOver (TYPE, [ID],PRE_FILTER) -1. The only way I have found is to add a column and set the aggregate to count, which puts a “1” in the cell for every row, and then I can turn on totals to see the count. This article uses the SaaS-Sales Dataset that you can download as part of the QuickSight Author Workshop. So is there any way how do I remove the count column? PFA the view of my analysis. The total stations below are static numbers which can not be grouped by months. Choose Your subscriptions at left. How would we sum up all distinct count values of an ID over the previous 4 weeks (not including the current week) divided by 4 (number of weeks)?. Trailing 12 month distinct counts for each month in the dataset. Ln(expression) – Returns the natural logarithm of a given expression. When we compare the results with Profit Ratio we created earlier, the numbers are quite different! This is because Profit Ratio calculates the transactional-level ratio first and then finds the average; whereas Profit. Copy AWS quicksight data sets and dashboards over multiple data sources. sumIf ( Sales ,contains ( state_nm, "New" ))There are several ways you can add a calculated field. percentileDiscOver uses actual values to determine result. Make sure to use the same partitions you want to show on the dashboard, otherwise there would be double counting. distinct_countIf({row_id}, {country} = ‘New Zealand’) / sumOver(distinct_count({row_id})) Hello Tin, Totals and subtotals are blank for table calculations on metrics aggregated by distinct count. period ToDateCount (fare_amount, pickUpDatetime, WEEK, parseDate. g. Add a comment | 0 Try -100 instead of -52. Improve this answer. In an existing line chart, look for an insight notification in the menu on the visual widget. Steve. With the windows function, you still have the count across two groups but each of the 4 rows in the database is listed yet the sum is for the whole group, when you use the partition statement. I can then create a Pivot table with: Row: Department; Column: Current State; Value: Count Distinct(Id[Student])Hi all, I am trying to create a table showing the current retention against initial month of purchase. ABC Customer/12345/100. Get the distinct customers with their salary, add a dummy column called “flag”. Please help with this. * Dec 2022. In the example above, I would expect the. We're in the process of updating screenshots and procedural text. Currently, I have multiple filters on the table which would affect the value of the distinct count over so I have it set to PRE_FILTER. calculations. count; distinct; amazon-quicksight; distinct-values; Karolina. 0 Remove duplicate values in googlesheet. Your job_status field would need to be added as column and the job_name (Count distinct) as value. Hi, I have a parameter to switch between two field - sample size & z-score. Ideally, this would be drillable too, so a user could drill down to the week or day view but preserve the year-over-year view.